Sunday, February 27, 2011

Eye Can See You

We just finished our MC Escher study this week and wrapped it up with "Eyes".  They all did a fabulous job!  I did these with second through eighth grade and found the youngers did just as well as the olders!  Maybe better! *wink*

Maggie, Grade Five

Katerina, Grade Two

 Christian, Grade Four 

First grade did some yummy ice cream cones, to work on their cutting skills.

Before Escher, we did Marc Chagall and we did some "dreamy" drawings.  The students had to pick out a slip from three buckets that told them a location, an action and an animal.  With these words they had to draw a dreamy picture. 

squirrel, jumping, at the movies
woolly mammoth, singing, in New York City

an owl, sleeping, underwater

And back to MC Escher, the eighth graders had to make their own tessellations. It was harder than they thought it would be.